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Sum Root to Leaf Numbers


Problem Statement

LeetCode Question Link


class Solution {
  int sumNumbers(TreeNode* root) {
    // Initialize a variable to store the sum
    int ans = 0;
    // Call the depth-first search function to compute the sum
    dfs(root, 0, ans);
    // Return the computed sum
    return ans;

  void dfs(TreeNode* root, int path, int& ans) {
    // If the current node is null, return and do nothing
    if (root == nullptr)
    // If the current node is a leaf node
    if (root->left == nullptr && root->right == nullptr) {
      // Compute the sum and update the answer
      ans += path * 10 + root->val;
      // Return as we don't need to explore further

    // Recursively call dfs for the left child with updated path and ans
    dfs(root->left, path * 10 + root->val, ans);
    // Recursively call dfs for the right child with updated path and ans
    dfs(root->right, path * 10 + root->val, ans);

Algorithm steps:

  1. Start with the root node of the tree.
  2. Initialize a variable ans to store the sum.
  3. Call the depth-first search function (dfs) with the root node, initial path value 0, and ans.
  4. In the dfs function:
    • Check if the current node is null. If so, return.
    • If the current node is a leaf node, compute the sum of the path so far and update ans.
    • Recursively call dfs for the left child with an updated path and ans.
    • Recursively call dfs for the right child with an updated path and ans.
  5. Return the final ans after the dfs function completes.

Time complexity:

  • The time complexity of this code is O(n), where n is the number of nodes in the tree. This is because we visit each node exactly once.

Space complexity:

  • The space complexity is also O(n) in the worst case. This is because of the recursion stack, which can go as deep as the height of the tree.

To reduce complexity, we can avoid passing the ans variable by reference and instead return the sum from the dfs function. Here's the modified code:

class Solution {
  int sumNumbers(TreeNode* root) {
    // Call the depth-first search function to compute the sum
    return dfs(root, 0);

  int dfs(TreeNode* root, int path) {
    // If the current node is null, return 0
    if (root == nullptr)
      return 0;
    // If the current node is a leaf node, return the computed sum
    if (root->left == nullptr && root->right == nullptr)
      return path * 10 + root->val;

    // Recursively call dfs for the left child and right child
    return dfs(root->left, path * 10 + root->val) + dfs(root->right, path * 10 + root->val);

The time complexity and space complexity of this modified code remain the same, O(n).