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Kth Smallest Prime Fraction Leetcode Solution


Problem Statement

LeetCode Question Link


// Declaration of a class named Solution
class Solution 
  // Access specifier: public members are accessible from outside the class
  // Declaration of a function kthSmallestPrimeFraction which takes a vector of integers and an integer as input arguments
  vector<int> kthSmallestPrimeFraction(vector<int>& arr, int k) 
    // Declaration of a constant integer n and assigning it the size of the input vector arr
    const int n = arr.size(); 
    // Declaration and initialization of a double variable l with value 0.0
    double l = 0.0; 
    // Declaration and initialization of a double variable r with value 1.0
    double r = 1.0; 

    // Loop until l is less than r
    while (l < r) 
      // Declaration and initialization of a double variable m as the midpoint between l and r
      const double m = (l + r) / 2.0; 
      // Declaration and initialization of an integer variable fractionsNoGreaterThanM with value 0
      int fractionsNoGreaterThanM = 0; 
      // Declaration and initialization of an integer variable p with value 0
      int p = 0; 
      // Declaration and initialization of an integer variable q with value 1
      int q = 1; 

      // For each index i, find the first index j such that arr[i] / arr[j] <= m,
      // so fractionsNoGreaterThanM for index i will be n - j.
      // Loop through each index i from 0 to n-1
      for (int i = 0, j = 1; i < n; ++i) 
        // Find the first index j such that arr[i] / arr[j] <= m
        while (j < n && arr[i] > m * arr[j]) 
        // Increment j
        // If j reaches the end of the array
        if (j == n) 
        // Exit the loop
        fractionsNoGreaterThanM += n - j; // Increment fractionsNoGreaterThanM by n - j
        if (p * arr[j] < q * arr[i]) { // If the current fraction is smaller than the previous one
          p = arr[i]; // Update p
          q = arr[j]; // Update q

      // If fractionsNoGreaterThanM is equal to k
      if (fractionsNoGreaterThanM == k) 
      // Return the fraction p/q
        return {p, q}; 
      // If fractionsNoGreaterThanM is greater than k
      if (fractionsNoGreaterThanM > k) 
         // Update r
        r = m;
      // If fractionsNoGreaterThanM is less than k
      // Update l
        l = m; 

    // Throw an exception if the loop exits without finding the kth smallest prime fraction

Algorithm steps:

  • Initialize l to 0 and r to 1.
  • While l is less than r:
    • Calculate the midpoint m between l and r.
    • Initialize fractionsNoGreaterThanM, p, and q.
    • For each index i from 0 to n-1:
      • Find the first index j such that arr[i] / arr[j] is less than or equal to m.
      • Update fractionsNoGreaterThanM and update p and q if necessary.
    • If fractionsNoGreaterThanM is equal to k, return p and q.
    • If fractionsNoGreaterThanM is greater than k, update r.
    • If fractionsNoGreaterThanM is less than k, update l.
  • If the loop exits without finding the kth smallest prime fraction, throw an exception.

Time complexity and Space complexity:

  • Time complexity: O(n log n), where n is the size of the input vector arr. The binary search takes O(log n) time, and for each binary search iteration, it iterates through the array, which takes O(n) time.

  • Space complexity: O(1), as the algorithm uses only a constant amount of extra space.